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Ron DeSantis and passed by the GOP-controlled Legislature, saying it will diminish the state’s Black representation and benefit Republicans. XGR-REDISTRICTING-CONGRESS-FLORIDA - Voting rights groups has sued Florida over a congressional map drawn by Gov. Capitol that President Donald Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, had been advised of intelligence reports showing the potential for violence that day, according to transcripts. SENT: 760 words, photos.ĬAPITOL RIOT-INVESTIGATION - A former White House official told the House committee investigating the Jan. UNITED STATES-CUBA - Cuba and the United States have taken a tentative step toward thawing relations and resuming joint efforts to address irregular migration, a senior Cuban official says following the highest-level talks between the two countries in four years. VIRUS OUTBREAK-PFIZER PILL - President Joe Biden and his administration want Americans and their doctors to know that the country has an ample supply of the life-saving COVID-19 antiviral treatment Paxlovid and that it no longer needs to be rationed. RUSSIA-UKRAINE-SECURITY-CHIEF - Ukraine’s security chief says that the main battles in Ukraine are taking place in the Donbas, the industrial heartland in the east, with Russians deploying more and more troops every day.

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